Friday, October 9, 2015

Codecademy Hey Look I'm coding like Mike Bloomberg

I am like Skrat with the acorn. I WILL get my coding job one day. Somebody will own me like a boss and see how putting me to work makes them look good.  For now, I shall roll on with the chase. Today, my sumptuous acorn involved a few lessons in HTML. Child's play. LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I think I've found my niche... although it is probably not that uncommon of a language so I still remain a nickel treasure in a dime store. Nevertheless, it is more than the average bear. Herein I commit to you my basic page lesson in the screenshot below:

What was really wonderful about this work day was the email from Zach Sims. Not only did the non-sleazy email attract my reading pleasure by making sense (talked about money and why peeps need to learn code to stay in the game yo), THIS was worth its' weight in gold:

I went right back to where I had left off I have no idea how long ago, and picked right up with the lesson. I don't even remember signing up for this stuff. Awesome sauce. Kinda like an acorn. Thank you Mr. Sims. :D If you're wondering why the title, here is where Codecademy got their huge plug from Mayor Bloomberg: 

Peace Out and Have a great weekend!

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